
Week 2 Blog Post

Consider one of your favorite companies….

Would the outstanding claims of discrimination change the way you felt about the company? Would it influence your decisions to support that company? Would it change whether or not you applied to work for that company in the future? Why or why not?

Outstanding claims of discrimination would absolutely change my way I view one of my favorite companies. This is something that is so important that we as a society need to overcome, and still shocks me that it continues to happen even in this day and age. It would change my stance to the point where I would not support them as a corporation anymore. A prime example of this would be Walmart when it came out on their underpaying practices, I have not purchased from them since. This would also motivate me to never apply to work for them either. One of the first things you do in today’s world when applying for a job is look up the company on Google to see what their company culture is like. You look for average pay, benefits, and things like that as well, but culture is one of the main things that candidates look for. In today’s search, one of the first things that pops up is news stories. If a story like this broke, there is no way a majority of people looking to work at a certain place would go through, unless they needed the money or other circumstances that require the need of a job. There are some people who can get over or look the other way for a certain sum of money, I understand that, but that just isn’t me. If I would not work for them, there is no way that I would choose to support their business. Once again, I understand that if there is a low price point, people might look the other way, like in the instance of Walmart.

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2 replies on “Week 2 Blog Post”

I feel very similarly to you that there is a certain responsibility as a consumer to make purchases while considering the ethics of the company involved. This extends to providing our labor to these companies, as well. I agree with, and would like to add to your point though, that there are many circumstances where the cost of goods or other considerations must be made on a personal level. This is especially true with current events, where individual’s budgets may have been restricted and people should be encouraged to only frequent their closest grocery establishments for necessary supplies.

I agree with you here. If I did not agree with a company’s practices or ethical decisions, I would most likely leave no matter how much I was getting paid. In my opinion, I would rather enjoy going to work than dread it everyday, so I think working for a company you are proud of is really important.

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