Category: Uncategorized

  • Navigating the Challenges of the Secure Password Manager Project

    Reflecting on the development of our Secure Password Manager with Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), the journey has been both challenging and rewarding. My greatest hurdle was integrating the TOTP functionality, a task that tested our problem-solving skills and required a deep dive into the encryption process. I learned a lot about working on a repository with…

  • Adding Extra Security to 2FA Component

    As we progress further in the development phase of Secure Password Manager, our team has been working hard to enhance security and user experience of our product. Among these, my focus has been on implementing two-factor authentication (2FA). Preferred Technology:It is pretty convenient to use Authenticator Apps such as Google Authenticator and Authy. These applications…

  • Coding Practices

    One practice I would like to start doing more often is refactoring code regularly. This involves revisiting and improving existing code as requirements change and your understanding of the problem deepens. Refactoring allows for the adaptation of code to changing requirements and improves code flexibility and maintainability. For instance, you might refactor a function that…

  • TOTP Integration

    In the process of building the Secure Password Manager, I’ve focused on Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), particularly the Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) algorithm. It’s been a fun challenge integrating the TOTP into our project as a core element of our 2FA system. This implementation generates a unique code for user verification and requires precise synchronization to…

  • Designing 2FA Component

    My team and I continued working on our Secure Password Manager project and divided into sections to proceed with implementing our ideas. I am responsible for developing a Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) feature for the application. Now that we have planned out our project’s design and functionality, it’s time to begin implementing the Time-based One-Time Password…

  • Blog Post #1

    Welcome! My name is Ana and I’ll be documenting my journey through the Capstone course at OSU via this blog. A bit about me:I am originally from Aurora, Colorado but now live in Austin, TX. I live with my partner, our three crazy dogs and two mischievous cats. Outside of school, I enjoyed hiking with…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!