
Business vector created by gstudioimagen –

What am I good at?

According to my IPIP test , I am highly conscientious, taking into consideration morals, self-discipline, and my own personal level of achievement. In a job setting this translates to following compliance and company policies/procedures. I am naturally an introvert and remain calm in highly escalated situations. When I give presentations, I have been told I am a good public speaker. According to my Play to Your Strengths feedback, my friends categorize me as an excellent listener.

What do I value?

I am motivated by working for an organization with integrity and strong moral compass integrated in their values. I also want to work for an organization with a product and mission I can believe it. It’s important that my teammates are knowledgeable, ethical, and reliable. I prefer working from the office versus working remotely and enjoy cross-departmental collaboration.

How did I get here?

It has always been my dream to pursue a graduate degree. Shortly after graduating with my HR undergrad, I began researching programs and applications. I found that at that time I was not ready to pursue an MBA as I had no work experience. I decided to wait until I did, and this ended up being the right decision. Now I can apply what I learn in my classes on the job and be a better asset to my company, while providing real world examples in my classes.

Where am I going?

In 1.5 years, I will be graduating. If I remain in my current role, it does not provide opportunities for career growth as I had hoped for. I will have been in the same position for 4 years without a promotion. In order to make myself more marketable upon graduation I need to either 1) apply for a position internally that may be vacated or 2) seek an external position. In addition, I typically fail to negotiate my salary in prior roles. I need to proactively work on this for my future career.  

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