Week 1 Post

  1. The setup experience so far has been rather tricky! I’m not familiar with WordPress at all, so I’m a little confused at every turn, but hoping I’m doing it correctly. In the past, I’ve only ever used blogger or tumblr for any sort of blogging. WordPress is a whole new world!
  2. Setting up an email signature is something I know how to do, but had never really done before. I’m simply come across the option when exploring email settings.
  3. I’m not a fan of text-to-speech at all. On my iPhone, it always pronounces things in a weird way (but it’s also really funny sometimes). Plus it doesn’t really help me absorb information better than I would if I were reading it. I think it’s an excellent feature though for people who need to hear things read to them. I like that it’s an option.
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