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Share an item for eNews by contacting your program staff by the second or last Wednesday of each month. Please use this event checklist to ensure all needed information is included in your request.

You will learn more about mason bees and learn how to guide people in harvesting cocoons. The cocoon harvesting classes will be held in October (mostly in Linn and Benton County). A few have let us know that they are ready to teach the cocoon harvesting classes, but we need lots of volunteer helpers! We will need 5-6 helpers for most of the 9 classes and will have sign-up sheets ready for you to volunteer. Bring your calendar, so you are ready to sign up. Come even if you don’t know much about mason bees.
- Shout outs
- Volunteer service hours and continuing education are due 10/31
- Congratulations to the growing group of trainees who have completed learning and service goals to earn their first Master Gardener Volunteer Certifications! Save the date for graduation and celebration on Saturday November 19 from 2-4 in Tangent.
- Are you a trainee who needs help completing your service? Schedule a visit about volunteering or contact Elizabeth Records.
- NEW volunteer op! 9/14 – Evaluating aesthetic qualities of selected landscape plants. 10am – 2pm (Arrive when convenient; ratings take about 60 min). OSU’s North Willamette Research & Extension Center in Aurora. Learn more and get directions. Report the time as “citizen science:indirect”.
- NEW continuing ed! 9/14 – 2022 Dry Farming Field Day: The Oregon State University (OSU) Extension Small Farms Program is offering the 8th annual Dry Farming Field Day. Come learn about multiple dry farming research projects, taste different varieties of dry-farmed produce and visit with other growers and researchers in the Dry Farming Collaborative. Sept. 14, 4-6 p.m. at the Oak Creek Center for Urban Horticulture (844 SW 35th St., Corvallis, OR 97331). This event is free to attend but registration is required. Space is limited. Farmers and service providers:; gardeners: For more info and registration please visit: or contact Teagan Moran at 541-713-5011 or
- Volunteer service hours and continuing education are due 10/31
- LCMGA news
- We have two positions open on our board: The 1st VP is responsible for scheduling the PNW talks and any talks for our membership meetings. The treasurer is responsible for maintaining our financial records on Quick Books, issuing checks, and providing a report of expenses for our monthly Board Meetings. I and the entire Board will help and support our new officers to make this a fun and rewarding experience. As a Board member, you can help shape the future of Linn Master Gardeners. Please if interested in joining our board in any capacity, call me, 541 990 5624 or email goergenb (at)
- General membership meeting Sept 22nd. LCMGA Board President Betty Goergen will let you know the time and place in her next email.
- Volunteers needed
- New – Community science! Contribute data to research on gardens, plants, and wildlife. Explore and sign up. Many projects are remote and on your own schedule. Report the time as “citizen science: indirect”.
- New fall dates – Albany Library Houseplant Swap and Extension open house! Pop-Up Plant Clinics need people to “talk plants” with our communities. Sign up HERE. Report service as Plant Clinic: Direct
- New! 9/24 Fall 2022 Master Gardener BioBlitz. Grab your camera and join us on iNaturalist to capture the insects, birds, wild plants, and other wild organisms in your garden or a nearby community or public garden space. Your efforts will help to document garden biodiversity in Oregon! Online – all day. Learn more and join. Report the time as “citizen science: indirect”.
- Trainees welcome – Demo Garden: Join us for work parties at the Linn Demo Garden on Wednesdays and/or Fridays from 10:00am-12:00pm. Report service as Educational Garden (Maintenance): Indirect.
- Find ongoing and anytime opportunities on the Linn Volunteer Opportunities Page
- Continuing education
- Rich Little entomology learning
- LIVE workshop – “Diagnosing Insect Damage on Plants” September 15th, 6-8 pm. These will be at the Linn Extension Office and open to both Linn and Benton County Master Gardeners. Sign up HERE.
- Growing Oregon Gardeners – Level Up 2022:
- September 13: Compost Can-do: develop a system that meets your needs
- October 11: Soil Fertility and Nutrient Cycling in Garden Beds & Home Landscapes
- November 8: Growing the Good Stuff: from Sweet Potatoes to Bitter Melons
- Find more HERE.
- Rich Little entomology learning
- Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
- None this week