2022-2023 Approved Continuing Education Opportunities

Certification as a Master Gardener is valid for one year. Keeping your certification current requires that you annually complete at least 10 continuing education (CE) hours and at least 20 hours of volunteer service. The goal of recertification is to ensure that Master Gardener volunteers know and share the latest information on sustainable gardening.

Enter your CE classes in the Master Gardener Volunteer Reporting System (VRS) by 10/31 each year.

What criteria does OSU Extension use to approve classes for continuing education?

  • Continuing Education status is granted to educational programs/classes that support a volunteer’s ability to deliver research-based and objective gardening information to the general public.
  • Classes may also grow skills for community garden educators like working with people, technology, and more.

Did you find a class not listed here that you would like to count for continuing education? Contact your program staff.


The Introduction to Inclusive Excellence in Extension course supports members of the Oregon State University (OSU) Extension community in upholding OSU’s commitment to civil rights and Inclusive Excellence. To register for this anytime course CLICK HERE.

Approved continuing education

Please check the weekly MG eNews for additional opportunities. Most are free to Master Gardener volunteers unless otherwise noted.

Inclusive Adult Learning

Master Gardeners teach mostly adult learners including people from all walks of life. If you present workshops, host plant clinics, or write educational posts, these continuing education opportunities will help you succeed. When submitting hours please share your top takeaway and how it might apply to Master Gardener activities.