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Bookmark our page: Find newsletter archives, volunteer handbook and more volunteer opportunities at https://blogs.oregonstate.edu/activebentonlinnmg/

Share an item for eNews by contacting your program staff by the second or last Wednesday of each month. Please use this event checklist to ensure all needed information is included in your request.

Shout outs  [T] = includes opportunities that trainees can join now!

  • [T] New! Volunteers needed, trainees welcome: Seed to Supper in the Garden is an intro gardening class for new gardeners who qualify for food assistance. We need instructors and helpers for a two-class series at Willamette Community Garden in Corvallis! 4/8 @10-11:30am, all volunteers meet to plan. 4/22 & 4/29 from 10am -12pm are the class dates. RSVP by adding your name to this spreadsheet or emailing cget.bentonmg@gmail.com
  • Master Gardener Desk (Office Plant Clinic): Plant clinic is open for you to refresh your skills! (The pH meter is still being repaired.) Trainees – there will be special shifts for you soon, with helpers to start you off right! Report service as Plant Clinic: Direct
  • [T] New! 3/14-4/11 (Tuesdays 1pm-3pm): 2023 Greenhouse Help – Veggies and Herbs. Learn more and sign up for one slot!
  • Returning volunteers – meet new trainees and invite them to your favorite activities! It’s a new day for mentoring – special skills are no longer required! Thank you, Alan Taylor, 541-929-4141, alantaylor@alyrica.net
  • Returning volunteers plant clinic is open for you to refresh your skills! (The pH meter is still being repaired.) And questions are coming in that need your skills! Sign up HERE.

  • Volunteer opportunities [T] = includes opportunities that trainees can join now!
    • [T] 3/10 Plant Sale Team – propagation – 1:00-3:00, Philomath High School, 2054 Applegate St. RSVP to lesliehauser107@gmail.com. Report service as Fundraiser: Support.
    • [T] 3/11 Seed Library Veggie Growing Clinic – 10:00am -1:00pm, Belushi room, Corvallis Library, 645 NW Monroe Ave, Corvallis. Report service as: Plant Clinic: direct
    • 3/18 Spring into Gardening “Our Changing Landscape”, a one-day educational event organized by Yamhill County Master Gardener Association. For more information and registration, go to the Yamhill County MGA website ycmga.org. All classes (except Topiary) count toward Continuing Education hours
    • [T] 3/18 Plant Sale Team – propagation – 10:00-12:00, Philomath High School, 2054 Applegate St. RSVP to lesliehauser107@gmail.com. Report service as Fundraiser: Support.
    • [T] 3/18 Seed Library Veggie Growing Clinic – 10:00am -1:00pm, Belushi room, Corvallis Library, 645 NW Monroe Ave, Corvallis. Report service as: Plant Clinic: direct
    • [T] 3/24 Plant Sale Team – propagation – 1:00-3:00, Philomath High School, 2054 Applegate St. RSVP to lesliehauser107@gmail.com. Report service as Fundraiser: Support.
    • [T] 3/25 Seed Library Veggie Growing Clinic 10:00am -1:00pm, Belushi room, Corvallis Library, 645 NW Monroe Ave, Corvallis. Report service as: Plant Clinic: direct
    • [T] various dates – Community science – Contribute data to research on gardens, plants, and wildlife. Explore and sign up. Many projects are remote and on your own schedule. Report the time as “citizen science: indirect
    • Various dates – Peaceful Valley Seed in North Albany is seeking volunteer presenters for various topics including composting, spring perennials, sustainable landscaping, summer garden maintenance, summer pruning and more. Certified volunteers who are interested may contact the organizer directly: Kimberly Montgomery 541.981.2248 kimberly@groworganic.com Report service as Instructor: Direct.

  • Continuing Education [G] = opportunities that Trainees can use for Garden Lab credit.
    • NEW! 3/11-3/19 Sunset Virtual Gardening Festival has free live-streamed webinars on dozens of gardening topics eligible for Master Gardener continuing education. (Recordings have a fee. ) All research-based topics count for continuing education, not including floral arranging, garden tours, Mindful Monday topics, and Field Guide to Outside Style. Learn more and register for free.
    • New! Anytime. Recordings of Zoom Master Gardener training from Curry County with guest lecturers from OSU and beyond, are available for any volunteer to take as continuing education. Trainees are also welcome to watch and supplement their classes. More links are being added weekly, see the current list HERE.
    • [G] 3/11 The Food Garden – Basic Organic Gardening (start of free 6-class series) 10:00am-12:00pm, Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent Street Lebanon. RSVP to casteen@aol.com
    • 3/14 Growing Oregon Gardeners – Put It to the Test: Improving Garden Fertility with Soil Analysis, Soil Regions, and Microclimates – 12:00pm – 1:00pm, ZOOM. Learn more & RSVP: beav.es/Sov
    • 3/16 Gardening in the PNW – Garden Planning presented by Karin Magnuson – 12:00pm – 1:00pm, OSU Linn County Extension office 33630 McFarland Rd, Tangent
    • 3/16 Public Seed Library Talks – Choosing a good garden spotsoil and fertilizer, use of compost, mulch and soil thermometer – 6:00pm – 7:00 pm, Corvallis Library, 645 NW Monroe Ave, Corvallis.
    • 3/23 Gardening in the PNW – TBA Topic, – 12:00pm – 1:00pm, OSU Linn County Extension office 33630 McFarland Rd, Tangent
    •  [G] 3/31 Growing Together – Soils & cover crops – 1:00pm – 2:00pm, Linn County Master Gardener Association Demonstration Garden in the Fairgounds, 3700 Knox Butte Rd E, Albany
    • Growing Oregon Gardeners – Level Up 2022: watch recordings HERE.

  • BCMGA News
    • New! Board Meeting Update: The March meeting will be in-person on Monday, March 13 from 9 to 10 a.m. It will be held in the Sunset Room at the Extension Office.
    • From BCMGA board president: “I hope many of you have communicated with your legislative representatives asking that Extension and other statewide OSU outreach programs will be fully funded to keep these programs at the level they need to be. A bill has been introduced to the Ways and Means Committee. It is bill SB 458. Please refer to this bill when writing to you legislator. Timing is important. The Ways and Means Committee will meet in March. Judith Kenner has a new message about this in BCMGA News and has provided a great template from which you can construct a message to your legislator. There is also a link to sample letters at the bottom. Please check out the latest OMGA newsletter and website.

  • Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
    • Evening Garden Club accepts applications for 2023 Grants Program. Corvallis Evening Garden Club is accepting applications until March 20, 2023. The Evening Garden Club supports the expansion of gardening, education and beautification in the Corvallis community through its Grants Program. The EGC offers grants to Benton County nonprofit organizations to carry out worthy gardening related projects. To learn more about the program and to apply please visit our website: https://corvalliseveninggardenclub.org/grants/ 
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