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Share an item for eNews by contacting your program staff by the second or last Wednesday of each month. Please use this event checklist to ensure all needed information is included in your request.

A trap crop can be defined as a sacrificial plant that draws away damaging insects from the desirable crop. Research shows that Brassica juncea (among other brassicas) is a good trap crop to distract flea beetles.
The trap crop works as an alternative host that draws away invading insects, giving the main vegetable crop an added layer of protection. In some cases, insects have a preference for these alternative hosts, and when given the choice, will go to the trap crop first. After trap crops are infested with target insects, they can be controlled with timely insecticidal applications or mechanical removal.
Linn Master Gardener trainee Carrie Falotico has found some helpful resources for making trap crops a part of your garden integrated pest management. Get specific tips for flea beetles, and read the entire post.
  • Shout outs
    • General membership meeting TODAY Sept 22nd 
  • Ranee Webb is graciously hosting this meeting as a potluck.
  • Meet at the Demo Garden by 5:00 pm to carpool or be shuttled to Ranee’s house.
  • (Parking is limited on her street) If you really need to drive yourself, please use their driveway, the street in front of their house or Navajo Court (the street to the right before you get to their house.)
  • Ranee and Marc are supplying hamburgers and buns.
  • Bring a dish or dessert to share.
  • Bring a folding chair if you have one
  • Please email Ranee at if you plan to come.
  • Cocoon Care volunteer opportunities
    • Trainees welcome! Fall 2022 Mason Bee Cocoon Harvesting Classes. 10/8-10/25 (various dates/times including weekends). Assist instructors, support learners, and sell supplies. Learn more and RSVP. Report service as “instructor: direct”.
    • Trainees welcome! Cocoon Care helper training 9/29 @10am-12pm OR 9/29 @6:30pm-8:30pm (recommended but not required). Please email Ranee Webb at to RSVP. Report service as “educational event prep: indirect”.
  • 9/24 Fall 2022 Master Gardener BioBlitz. Grab your camera and join us on iNaturalist to capture the insects, birds, wild plants, and other wild organisms in your garden or a nearby community or public garden space. Your efforts will help to document garden biodiversity in Oregon! Online – all day. Learn more and join. Report the time as “citizen science: indirect”. 
  • Volunteer service hours and continuing education are due 10/31
    • Log your hours or call Elizabeth if you need help: 541-730-3471.
    • RSVP for graduation and celebration on Saturday November 19 from 2-4 in Tangent. 
    • Are you a trainee who needs help completing your service? Schedule a visit about volunteering or contact Elizabeth Records.
  • Linn County Extension Open House – Oct 17, 2022 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm – free, drop in. Network and visit with Extension stakeholders, volunteers, employees, and community. Enjoy door prizes and refreshments.

LCMGA news

  • We have two positions open on our board: The 1st VP is responsible for scheduling the PNW talks and any talks for our membership meetings. The treasurer is responsible for maintaining our financial records on Quick Books, issuing checks, and providing a report of expenses for our monthly Board Meetings. I and the entire Board will help and support our new officers to make this a fun and rewarding experience. As a Board member, you can help shape the future of Linn Master Gardeners. Please if interested in joining our board in any capacity, call me, 541 990 5624 or email goergenb (at)

  • Volunteers needed
    • New – Community science! Contribute data to research on gardens, plants, and wildlife. Explore and sign up. Many projects are remote and on your own schedule. Report the time as “citizen science: indirect”. 
    • New fall dates – Extension open house! Pop-Up Plant Clinics need people to “talk plants” with our communities. Sign up HERE. Report service as Plant Clinic: Direct
    • Anytime – Become a Forest Pest Detector and report observations of potentially invasive species. Report hours as “citizen science: indirect”. Returning volunteers may report time spent with training as continuing education, and time spent spotting and reporting possible pests as “citizen science: indirect”.
    • Trainees welcome – Demo Garden: Join us for work parties at the Linn Demo Garden on Wednesdays and/or Fridays from 10:00am-12:00pm. Report service as Educational Garden (Maintenance): Indirect.
    • Find ongoing and anytime opportunities on the Linn Volunteer Opportunities Page

  • Continuing education
    • Rich Little entomology learning
      • Rich is at the plant clinic most Thursday afternoons from 1-3ish. RSVP and bring an insect, or a plant damaged by insects, and hone your diagnostics skills with this longtime MGV and retired entomologist.
    • 10/6 – Gardening in the PNW: Insect Explorations with Rich Little. 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm. Albany Library, 2450 14th Avenue SE. FREE, drop in. Retired entomologist Rich will introduce you to pollinators and pests alike.
    • 10/20 – Gardening in the PNW: Successful Gardening with Physical Limitations, with Karin Magnusson. 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm. Albany Library, 2450 14th Avenue SE. FREE, drop in. You can keep gardening over the years, using adaptive methods to match your garden and your abilities.
    • Growing Oregon Gardeners

  • Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
    • Kelly Muller has a new email –
  • 10/8/2022 Houseplant & cuttings swap. 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Albany Library, 2450 14th Avenue SE. FREE, drop in. Please bring cuttings and starts of healthy houseplants to share. (Note, volunteer plant clinic spots for this event are filled, and volunteers serving at this event CAN earn service hours. Attending the event as a guest is not eligible for MGV service, but we hope you’ll bring and share houseplant cuttings!)

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