Volunteering outside? Be aware of the potential for heat related injuries. If you are planning an outdoor event (or in a greenhouse), please review this information on symptoms of heat injuries, and how to respond, HERE. Please discuss these topics with other volunteers. Time spent reviewing this may be counted as continuing education. Please also check heat index ahead of events, and consider postponing work if heat index is above “moderate”. 
  • Program updates: OSU and the State require face coverings for indoor activities in public spaces. Please consider taking in-person volunteer activities outside to further reduce chances of exposure during a public health crisis. Few current MGV activities are affected. Get the latest information. 
  • Shout outs
    • Adult Learning and You. This is from a partner organization and comes highly recommended. It’s for people who teach farmers but the take-aways would apply well to MGVs and Extension staff teaching gardeners. You may report up to one hour of continuing education for reading this and writing about what you learned when reporting in VRS.
  • Volunteers needed.
    • Brownsville Plant Clinic: 3-6pm every Thursday from May into October.  Location is Park and Kirk in BV. If interested please contact Elizabeth Records. Organized by Don Lyon.
    • Thompson’s Mill in Shedd: Thompson’s Mills State Heritage Site is establishing a pioneer heritage vegetable garden and is seeking volunteers who might be interested in helping to coordinate this project. Current priorities are to help prepare the large plot which is fenced and has water.  Soil needs amending with compost and manure, available on site. Contact Donald Lyon at phototraveler02 (at) gmail.com to arrange a visit. 
    • Demo garden.
    • Visit the Linn County Volunteer opportunities page to sign up for these opportunities, and more.
  • Continuing education (free to MGVs unless noted with “$”)
  • LCMGA updates
    • Board meeting info: see this week’s eNews email.
  • Extension updates
    • Featured plant clinic question: What’s wrong with the stunted leaves of my beans and tomatoes?
    • Elizabeth Records (program staff) now has a bookable calendar. Schedule a zoom, call or visit with me to plan volunteer activities, share thoughts, or just check in.
  • Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)

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