• Program updates: Most activities can resume, with a bit of planning. Get the latest information. 
  • Shout outs
    • Statewide MGV awards: If you need some inspiration, take a moment and read what these 44 OSU Extension Master Gardener volunteers accomplished this past year, despite the COVID pandemic. Congratulations to all of the Master Gardeners of the Year, and the Behind the Scenes award winners!
    • Saturday: Master Gardener BioBlitz: Join us on our iNaturalist project page to capture the insects, birds, wild plants, and other wild organisms in your garden or a nearby garden space. Your efforts will help to document garden biodiversity in Oregon! Learn more.
    • Linn County Fair: We had a great presence at the Fair this year with 319 visitors. Most were very interested in the garden, not just using it for a “walk through”.  Thank you so much for all of you who prepared the garden and were in the garden to meet and greet all of the visitors. –Janice Gregg
  • Volunteers needed.
    • Demo garden.
    • Visit the Linn County Volunteer opportunities page to sign up for these opportunities, and more.
  • Continuing education (free to MGVs unless noted with “$”)
  • LCMGA updates
    • Board meeting info: see this week’s eNews email.
  • Extension updates
  • Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
    • Know people around Lyons or the Santiam Canyon? MGV Diane Hyde is offering a hands-on winter veggie workshop on 8/14. Spread the word!
    • Oregon Food Bank Ambassadors. This is an opportunity to help support local leadership and community development with an emphasis on strengthening our local food systems. Individuals from the following communities are encouraged to apply: Refugee and Immigrant communities, Black, Indigenous and People of Color communities, Trans and Gender Non-Conforming communities, Single mothers and caregivers. Learn more: EnglishEspañol.

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