The Tree

All family trees have a beginning.

This family tree begins with Dr. Tyre Lanier (G1) who was the advising professor and mentor to Dr. Jae W. Park (G2). Dr. Park, then became an advising professor of his graduate students, who then became successful professionals (professors or industry leaders) (G3) and advised graduate students or subordinates, who have become successful professionals (professors or future industry leaders) (G4) with graduate students. The ultimate goal was to reach a fifth generation of PhD students to become successful professionals (professors or future industry leaders) (G5).

There are also the extended branches of this family tree that includes visiting scientists, including professors, researchers and students.

At this 4G Surimi Conference, we are going to celebrate the successful accomplishment of Dr. Park’s 36 years in surimi research (3 years of PhD student and 2 years of postdoc under Dr. Lanier, 5 years at Sea/Fest/JAC Creative Foods as Technical Director, and 26 years at Oregon State University) along with all of his former students’ and staff’s accomplishments and Dr. Lanier’s amazing 41 years in surimi research. Our group represents over 330 publications and various awards for students and staff. If there are addition publications you would like to include, please post on the publications page.

At our special reunion pre-meeting gathering before Surimi School Asia 2018, we will highlight  Dr. Park’s outreaching effort in the establishment of his global Surimi School/Forum as a well-renown, one of a kind program. We should celebrate the fact that we all are an important part of his 70 different international programs offered since 1993. This will mark the outstanding achievements of  4 generations of those who can trace their educational and lineage back to Dr. Lanier through the Surimi Research Family Tree Banner.

Special memories and student awards are listed here:

Pages 1-9 Student Memories_Awards

Pages 10-19 Student Memories_Awards

Pages 20-27 Student Memories_Awards

The complete book is accessible from the Surimi School website:

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