Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Blog Post #1

    Hi, Thanks for taking the time to read my blog! I got started with computers when I was building my first pc. I got addicted researching all the different components and min maxing my build to fit my needs. Once I completed the build, I knew I wanted to squeeze out additional performance and that…

  • Blog Post #3

    My biggest success during the course was being able to set up the ux overlay for the game. The challenge was integrating the scene with the game class, and it took team work to be coordination with the team to get that set up. I paired and asked my teammates for help and we were…

  • Blog Post #2

    With the initial planning phase of our project we discussed what our game development framework should be between working with native React or work with Phaser.js. I’ve never used a game development framework. I know that React allows us to make things more modular by breaking things up into components. My concern was whether Phaser…

Got any book recommendations?