Isaiah’s CS 462 Blog Posts

  • Isaiah’s Blog Post #3

    To be honest, it does not feel like we are wrapping up our project quite yet. We had some hiccups and failures on the communication end that has delayed our project slightly. I’m glad we have another term to focus on improving our project and making it as good as we can, but I am…

  • Isaiah Wachsmuth’s 2nd Blog Post (1/29/2024)

    I had a surprising amount of trouble with GitHub this week. It sounds crazy to say because we have been using GitHub for years at this point, but sometimes the development process with GitHub, as well as the personal access tokens, can be tedious and unhelpful. I started off the week trying to use GitHub…

  • Blog Post #1 (1/13/2024)

    Articles Referenced: Clean code is very important, especially in a group project. This assignment was a good reminder of the time and headaches that can be saved by being intentional with how I write code. I appreciated the article linked above from PluralSight because of its simplicity yet variety of suggestions. The one…

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