
Are you thinking about writing a forest management plan?  This site will guide you and your forestry professional to all the resources you’ll need.  Get started by navigating the pages below and using the Unified Management Planning Templates.

About Forest Management Planning

This section explains what a management plan is and why having one is a useful tool.

What’s in a Forest Management Plan?

An overview of the information that is included in a management plan.

Resources for Writing your Forest Management Plan

Resources for gathering the information about your land that will be included in your management plan.

Where to Get Help with your Forest Management Plan

People and organizations that can help you write or find more information and financial assistance for your management plan.

Forest Management Plan Templates

Download the Oregon Forest Management Plan template and the Oregon Forest Management Plan guidelines.

Fire Adapted Oak Landscapes

This page will offer resources and a template for making management decisions and writing plans for the oak habitats on your South Willamette Valley property.

About this Site

For more information about this website or general management planning questions contact:  Lauren Grand, Oregon State University Extension Service

For more information about the Oregon Forest Management Plan: Nate Agalzoff, Oregon Department of Forestry

The Oregon Forest Management Planning System, or Uniform Plan, is a collaborative effort of public and private organizations dedicated to supporting the stewardship of Oregon’s forests.

The plan was developed in collaboration with input from Association of Consulting Foresters, Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, Oregon Forest Resources Institute, Oregon State University Forestry & Natural Resources Extension, USDA Forest Service – PNW State & Private Forests Program, Forest Stewardship Council, Northwest Natural Resource Group, the Oregon Department of Forestry, the Oregon Small Woodlands Association, the Oregon Tree Farm System and the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service. To learn more about these organizations visit the Where to get help page.

The Oregon Forest Management Planning System template, guidelines, and website are made possible through funding from the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, Cooperative Forestry as part of the Partnership for Forestry Education.

The Partnership for Forestry Education is a collaboration of state, federal and private organizations to provide educational resources to Oregon’s forest landowners, managers and operators. The Partnership was created to overcome decreases in key state agency budgets that reduced their capacity to provide the necessary educational programming. Partnership activities include jointly planned and delivered educational programs, a partnership web site, a shared database, joint outreach mailings and increased use of the knowledge delivered.