An important part of being a Master Gardener is staying current on the latest horticultural science.  With that in mind, OSU Extension has developed a webinar series to supplement other classes you may have taken this year.  This year, the webinars will focus on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and each topic is presented by OSU experts.  Remember, you need at least 10 hours of approved education by October 31 to be recertified.  Each webinar in this series is approved for 1 hour of continuing education.

What is a webinar?  A webinar is a seminar that is presented over the internet.  The presenter(s) will show slides and photos while they are speaking on their topic.  There is a chat box to enter your questions.  Each webinar will be ~40 minutes long and followed by a moderated Q&A session.

How do I participate? Click on the graphic below which will open a PDF.  Then you can click on the links for more details and to register.  There is no cost to participate.  If you can’t attend the live webinar, a recording will be available at a later date.


2 thoughts on “2017 OSU Extension Master Gardener Advanced Training Webinars

  1. Brooke,

    Some of the MGs in Washington County are planning to watch as a group on the big screen in our conference room.

    In order for individuals to get credit, is each person required to register? And, then, to sign in at the time of the webinar?

    Or, is each MG required to view on his/her own computer?

    Anything else we need to know?

    Jean R. Natter, OSU MG, Washington County

    • Hi Jean, not necessary for each MG to pre-register (although the system does send reminders which is nice). The only data that I’ll get back is a list of names of those that signed in to the system so won’t know who attended in a group situation. It will be best to work with your own county coordinator on any verification requirements (maybe they want you to do a sign in sheet or it is the honor system to record the hour of CE). There will be time at the end of the webinar for Q&A using a text entry box so bring your questions for Kaci! Thanks, Brooke


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