Oregon State University|blogs.oregonstate.edu

Welcome|Da’anzho|स्वागत हे|Maayong|Tere Tulemast|Bem-vinda|chào mừng|Hela|欢迎|Kaabo|Talitali Fiefia

  March 28th, 2022

Here it is the blog you have been seeking.

The one to share skills with you, with no competition in mind – the one with as much details as you ever dreamed to be possible to fit inside a give amount of memory space within a blog creation site. Well, at least this is going to be the goal of this site. It may not actually meet these standards, but it will be trying.

Here you will find what has been helpful for building a project on a small team, what has not. You will also find some, yes some, ramblings about interesting topics this blog needs to share with you. This blog should be a fun read with many photos. Start discovering something neat.

Enjoy your digital stay, please, have a click around!

Oh! Almost forgot, there is a very well mannered goose on the right. It is an artist’s rendition created with Microsoft’s very own Paint software. This goose is the curious goose of which has decided to be the mascot for this blog. Geese are very curious creatures and enjoy to learn new things. It is believed this good goose stumbled upon this blog in hopes to learn more about hardware and software.