Financial Analysis: References for the Trip and What I Need to Do

There are plenty of different travel sites such as Trip Advisor, that give a great example of what you can expect to see and what you can expect to do. Additionally, I found a great blog that is titled “Walking the Great Wall of China: A Bucket-List Trip You Can Actually Afford” which gives an extremely impressive recounting of a trip to the wall with a specific tour group by the name of G-Adventures. This particular source offers an insight as to how much it would cost total for the trip, which runs about 1,299 U.S. dollars. This includes meals, transportation, guides, and so much more that you can read from the source itself. Last but not least, there is a saying that is repeated throughout China, “He who has not climbed the Great Wall is not a true man”, something said by Mao Zedong originally, and what more reason would I need than that to go and visit this wonder?

Obviously a budget is in order if I am to make this trip possible. There are a lot of factors, school and rent being the biggest problems, that can affect this dream from becoming a reality. Careful planning and monthly savings will need to be in order if I am to acquire sufficient funds.


Adventure Group