What will it take to get you there?

In order to get to the top of my field, I’ll need a constant drive to keep learning and keep trying new ways, new programs, new ideas in my field in order to be better and help every person that passes through my classroom or communicates with me. (Not, too lofty of a goal, is it???

Lofty goals take others support to allow you to reach them.

In addition to these, I need a great work ethic. I’ll also need to improve my focus on continuing to look forward and reassess my goals periodically. This will allow me to see if I’m on the right path or if the course needs to be altered.

I discussed with a mentor a possible career change into the Foreign Service, a move I’ve toyed with for the past decade but never truly taken any action on. This mentorship and networking have helped me set a date to take the Foreign service exam, which is the action that I needed. For far too long indecision and inaction have unknowingly been my decisions and actions.

I had been trying to do research and come up with the perfect career path before making sure that this path was the perfect path that would take me to the promised land and set me up for life. However, in doing all of my research I didn’t realize I hadn’t been moving on any path and had just stayed still. So, one other thing that is needed now is action – and taking the Foreign Service Exam will be the third step, as having the mentor and taking this class were the first two.

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