Networking – necessary evil or blessing?

Easy answer – it’s a blessing. However, the way I used to think about networking was a necessary evil. I used to always picture networking as selling yourself and always having to gear that towards people with more power/stature. I used to picture networking as the bossy individual that moved around the room talking to people and asking what they did, and if it sounded like you couldn’t do anything for them, than they abruptly moved on – I had been on the receiving end of this interaction early in my ‘official/business’ networking career. HOWEVER, I’ve come to learn that, that is not good networking (at least for me). Networking for me is just building relationships. That is what a network is, a series of connections/relationships.

Real networking doesn’t just happen at a business event, it happens at a party, at a bar-b-que, at a grocery store, or on vacation. The trick is that you have to be open to connecting and to offering a part of yourself and be present in the moment. Much easier said than done, because I am often tired, hungry, lonely, etc., and it’s hard to be open to connecting and networking if I’m any or all of those. But, if I can recognize how I’m feeling and still be present/mindful of the situation, I can always connect with someone and I’ve often found some of the best connections that have helped at times with my career path but just as importantly the connections have helped me emotionally and personally, which have given me the confidence to improve myself and my career.

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