I already posess a good Emotional Intelligence. My background as a child of a diplomat, being exposed to different cultures, different countries, differtent traditions has helped me open my eyes and has certainly improved my social awareness and relationship management. I have also recently been working on my personal awareness through meditaiton and mindfulness.
I have been overcoming my ingraned flight response and the fact that I have enjoyed taking the easy path in life and resting on my laurels. I have been looking forward to the future in the past year, which has made me get off of my laurels and work towards a better future, making me a better leader. I’ve been using knowledge from OSU leadershp classes to improve our leadership program at work.
I still have a lot of work, but that is the great thing about life, no matter how good or bad you are at something, there is always room for improvement – as long as you take action. Recently, with material learned from LEAD 542, 442, 440, I’ve been focusing much more on my leadership skills in the now and going forward.