Letting Users Create Their Own Board Game

Currently, my team is having a hard time with our project. We were doing good chugging along at a good pace until last week. In our project, we have to allow the player to create a board game, save it, and then play it. The problem my team is having is passing the created board from the CreateGame scene to the PlayGame scene.

We have been researching board games for the past several weeks and all of us found plenty of Unity board game tutorials; however, the tutorials tend to be based on games where you know what the board will look like while coding the game. For example, the tutorial may be making a Monopoloy game and all they have to do is place a picture of a Monopoly board down and put waypoints where each tile is located. That won’t work in our project because we don’t have a picture of the board.

Our current attempt involves storing a list of tiles from the StartTile to the FinishTile when the user creates their board game. Each tile will store its vector position. We should be able to save this list and bring it back when the user wants to play the game they created. Hopefully, not only will this go smoothly, but this will make creating the game flow in PlayGame easier because we can store information about what each tile does (ex: move player back 2 tiles) in the tile itself.

Another current problem we are having is validating the board the user created. We have to make sure there are tiles connecting the StartTile and FinishTile and there are no loose tiles (i.e., tiles not in the StartTile-FinishTile route). We have decided to save validation for last and assume for now that the user will make a board following all the unsaid rules needed to make our project work. I bet real game developers would love it if actual players would do exactly what they want them to do!

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