Picking Fun Projects

It is the beginning of a new term! I read the syllabi for my courses and put all the due dates into my planner. Now I can start working on the actual work for my classes.

This is my last term at OSU and I am ending my time here by taking CS467 Online Capstone Project and CS492 Mobile Software Development. I’m glad I’m ending with these two courses. Both of them are project based and projects have been my favorite part of my courses at OSU.

My first major assignment of the term is picking a project for CS467. Well, to be more accurate, I need to pick my top 5 projects and I will be assigned a project and team later this week. I was nervous about this until I looked through the project list. There were a lot of fun projects on there! I am interested in game development and mobile development, which is great because there were a lot of game-related and mobile-related projects. I had a hard time narrowing my choices down to 5.

My Top 5 Choices for CS467 Projects:

  1. 3D Rhythm game for iOS or Android
  2. Create and Play Board Games
  3. Escape Room Challenge
  4. Simulation Challenge
  5. AR Arcade Classics

I was planning on learning Unity for game development this term as a side project. It would be great if I get assigned a Unity project for CS467 so I can kill two birds with one stone. Even if I don’t get one of my top 5 picks, I would be content with my project. I didn’t see anything listed that didn’t look fun to do. Hopefully, my teammates will be reasonable people. With a fun project and a good team, this term should go by smoothly.

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