Effective and Ineffective Training Methods

One way for employers and companies to make sure that daily operations are ran smoothly and according to the correct specifications is to put employees through multiple training courses. To ensure employees, know what they must do and how to do it effectively, employees should have training programs for each important aspect of their job, for example, if the job you are hiring for requires specific ways to be completed that is different than the general standard then employees should be taught exactly what to do to succeed. So far, I have been a part of a few training programs in different companies. These programs ranged from high skill positions such as an intern at and engineering firm to a simple ice cream salesman at the zoo.  

            Firstly, when going through programs during my time working as a refreshment’s worker at the zoo they were mostly to show me how to use the equipment and the steps to set up each days operations. These were all useful for that job because without them I would not know what to do and where to start when begging my workday which would then lead to chaos. As I got older and began doing internships, I started to do different training programs such as business meeting etiquette and specific lessons on how to read different design manuals for specifications on the jobs we were to be working on. I don’t think I could think of a time where I have had a training program for a job that was not beneficial to me in some way because they were all made specifically for that job which should be the norm for every position in the work field. Overall, each company should implement training programs to ensure employees are comfortable in their positions.  

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