Week 4 – Recruitment Goals & Methodology

Jacob Tresser


My personal brand revolves around my positive attitude and creative spirit that I bring to the conversation. The first impression that I try to make with employers is a friendly soul that wants to do their very best to make the company as best as it possibly can be. I immediately come across as enthusiastic as possible, while also maintaining a professional and sociable brand. This sociability transforms into showing that I am a team player, who will get things done in the most efficient way possible. Displaying a sociable and friendly brand is something that resonates with me, as I am trying to show to employers how I would work well with any type of team that I might be placed with! Some weaknesses that I have are my naivety, which is shown through my lack of work experience and life experiences in general! Another weakness that I struggle with, is my excitement levels when being introduced to something I am extremely passionate about. An example of this is when I get very loud and might come across as extremely strong, when It’s just passion for the subject! 

I would summarize my brand as an enthusiastic creative and sociable spirit. My situation would include an employee that brings outside the box thinking, with an extremely sociable personality that can bring sales or just a friendly face for the company to have. My ad would have a tagline like “Do you need someone enthusiastic and friendly recruiter, who can do all the small talk happily? Do you need an employee who will do the connection building that you are too lazy for? Call Jacob!!!”. He will do all the boring stuff, so you can get all the information without all the extroverted activities that come with it! Overall, I hope to keep this brand as I transition into working full time, and continue to build and create my brand that will land me the job of my dreams! 

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