Project Development Process

Project Request

The instructional designer can review the multimedia project types on this web site so they can be informed on the web multimedia before discussing the course with the instructor.

The instructional designer should use the multimedia request form to request any of these projects.

Use Timeline multimedia type if you want a timeline.

All other project types should use Data+Viz.

When you submit the form, an Asana task is generated. When the project is approved by Victor, it is assigned to Nick Breslin for intake and development.

Approval, Complexity, and Capacity

Projects that don’t require additional development for an instructor (Timeline and Glossary) don’t have limits in a term. They’re simple to set up and configure.

Projects that require content entry (Labs, Worksheets) are easy to complete. We take additional time to ensure testing and accuracy for each lab is correct. We can typically get to these two terms prior to the course.

Projects that have complex content (Maps) or custom feature development are very limited. We will review all ‘approved’ projects at the start of a term and communicate if we are over capacity at that time. This means some projects that were approved will need to be simplified, or delayed to another term. We start on these one term prior to the course.

Intake Meeting

An intake meeting is scheduled by Nick Breslin when appropriate for an approved project. The instructional designer, developer and instructor will meet to go over how web multimedia will fit into their course and help meet learning objectives for the students.

The goal of the intake meeting is to have a clear understanding of what the actionable items are for everyone involved, and the due dates for those items.

The developer will use the Questionnaire to help steer the intake process. Instructional designers should feel free to review any of the questionnaires or supplementals and share them with the instructor early in the course development process.

The outcome of the meeting will be recorded on the Asana task.


All major milestones, decisions, and significant communications between developer and instructor will be recorded on the Asana task so that the instructional designer and the development team always have an up to date project status.

Most e-mail communication from developer to instructor will include the instructional designer to keep everyone aware of open questions and resolutions.


The development schedule is based on a 12-week development window based in the term prior to the course being due. These may not be exact for all projects, but they should serve as a general guide of how the web team works. This is a schedule that would be presented during the intake meeting.

Intake MeetingWeek 1-2
Content from InstructorEnd of first month, usually Week 4-5
First reviewWeek 6
Second reviewWeek 9
Final reviewWeek 12, 2 weeks prior to start of term
Final changes implementedWeek 13