Writing Exercise #14

                The non-infectious diseases that I can think of are influenced by microorganisms are brain cancers, diabetes, heart disease, celiac disease, stomach cancer, Alzheimer disease, and Parkinson’s disease.                  

               Refer back to my writing #1, I was not sure what infectious diseases and noninfectious diseases are. I found that I understood wrong that all infectious disease would communicable. In the writing #14,  I was sure about my non-infectious diseases, and while I wrote down these diseases, I also thought of the relationship between microbe and human health. For example, IBD, including UC and CD is related to gut microbiota population. I think that the most important topics that I will take away with me once I have completed the course are the different microbes, as well as the diversity of microbes, plays the important role that can be beneficial or have negative effects on human health. There are many topics associated with the roles of microbes which the people need further studies to discover. People should learn how to improve the human gut microbiota which is significantly important. I would learn and earn more knowledge about microbes and try to find information for controversial and information which researchers are trying to explain through their studies during this course in the next microbiology classes.

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