Experiences with Discrimination

I think this lawsuit would impact how I feel about the company.  If a company that I support starts behaving in a way that doesn’t support or discriminates against a community, whether I associate with it or not, my opinion of that company would turn negative.  I really value respecting other people as humans and when I see other people not giving that same respect, my opinion of them falls.  The same thing goes for businesses, even if I supported them. 

I don’t think I would base my opinion on the first article I saw, but I would follow the story and lawsuit closely.  I try to do research and not trust the first headline or bit of gossip I hear to be the be all end all of the story.  After doing some research I would form a final opinion on the issue and continue to follow the story since I was supportive of the company before this story came out.

I think that depending on what happened, the context of discrimination, and how the company handles the lawsuit my opinion and support of the company would change.  I don’t think it would stay as positive as it was before the discrimination came to light since they were against a group that I identify with, but it wouldn’t necessarily become hateful.  If the company handled the situation gracefully and made clear moves towards removing their discrimination, I would consider applying for the company and supporting it again because they are trying to correct their mistakes.  If they didn’t do that, I would think that they weren’t sorry for mistreating people and would slide back into that behavior again when the spotlight of the media story left.

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3 Responses to Experiences with Discrimination

  1. pearbenj says:

    Hey Alexis,

    After reading your post I can tell you have thought critically about this sort of situation. I like that you considered the context of the discrimination and you wanted to learn more about the situation before immediately hating the company. It’s smart to read other articles in case one was skewed to make the readers believe one thing over another. Your negative feeling toward the company is something I would feel too, but I like your optimism about the company turning things around after the lawsuit. I’m not sure if I would want to apply to work for that company any more, but I would definitely like to see them recover from the lawsuit so I can support them again. I really enjoyed reading your post, thank you for sharing!

  2. harrises says:

    Hi Alexis,

    I agree with your point about not believing the first article you see. Researching is important, especially with all the false information out there. I also appreciated your point about continuing to follow the case, to see if the company will be making any changes. This is an important step in deciding whether or not to work for the company. I agree that if the company starts to make changes to correct the discrimination occurring, then I would be more inclined to apply for a job there. Great post!

  3. khanfar says:


    I agree with you. I would definitely be wary about supporting a company that was a part of a massive discrimination lawsuit no matter if I associated with the company or not. However, it hits harder when you do.

    Finding more information about the case is important but if there is a lawsuit in place then there must’ve been something wrong in the hiring process that brought about this case. I also agree that the tendencies of this discrimination can slip back through in the company unless they do a whole revamp of selection process.

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