Hello, World!

Welcome to my corner of the internet! My name is Carlos Vasquez. I just started my last quarter studying Computer Science at Oregon State University. This will be my second bachelor’s degree. I received my first degree in Electrical Engineering back in 2019, with a focus on digital systems. I even worked as a System Validation Engineer at Intel for a year, but I ultimately got burned out and decided to take some time off to reevaluate parts of my life, including my career trajectory.

Back during degree no. 1, I took several computer science courses. I was on track to switching my major from Electrical Engineering to Computer Science but after receiving a C- in a Data Structures course (it was Spring and the last thing I wanted to do at the time was be inside studying), I convinced myself that CS was not for me and stuck with my original major. In my time of reflection, I realized that I was too hard on myself back when I originally took Data Structures (and was maybe a bit too over-dramatic). I realized I always enjoyed Computer Science and that my single lackluster grade was not a reflection of my ability to succeed in the field. This pushed me to want to pursue Computer Science and eventually led me to enroll in this program!

Our team will complete the AI Coder project, which has us build a website/app project with as much help as we can get various AI tools. I was personally interested it in since I’ve seen how great of a tool ChatGPT has been in my own projects and as a study tool. I’m curious to see how much utility our team can get from these generative AI tools.

AI tools can be used in various stages of the development process, including planning, coding, testing, debugging, and documentation. By using AI tools, the project’s efficiency can be increased, and the development process can be accelerated, which can lead to a better end product.

Additionally, the project is an opportunity to learn about the limitations and pitfalls of AI tools. AI tools can be very powerful, but they are not perfect. They can produce unexpected results, or they may not work well with certain programming languages or systems. By discovering the limitations of AI tools, [we] can avoid potential issues that could arise later in the development process.

The query was very simple and could have been tweaked to be more specific, but those last two paragraphs were from ChatGPT 🙂

I’m looking forward to this coming term and seeing how much progress my team can make!

Query to ChatGPT

Response from ChatGPT
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