A little intro

Blog Post #1

Why did you choose to go into Computer Science?

I choose to go into Computer Science because I like improving processes. I like identifying when something isn’t working and creating and automating processes that will solve it. I also enjoy the thrill I get after completing a large project (CS 344 Smallsh, CS 261’s AVL Trees, etc). I’m looking forward to using the skills I’ve learned on this capstone.

Why did you choose the projects you did on the survey?

I’m currently in a group of three and we choose the following rankings:

  1. Cross-platform Personal Trainer App
  2. Jam Session
  3. Dating app for animal adoption
  4. Job tracker
  5. The Bike Kollective
  6. Crowd-sourced Shopping App


Personal motivation! For example, for the “Cross-platform Personal Trainer App”, I have trouble figuring out a solid routine. So why not automate it while learning mobile development along the way? :). The dating app for animal adoption is also personal to me; I met my significant other on a dating app, so I would love to work on a similar product that can create more connections in the world.

What makes them interesting to you?

Each of the projects we chose will include a wide range of things to learn and implement! I’m looking forward to learning app development and how to incorporate elements like GPS, ratings, and maybe even the current hot topic: AI 🤖

What do you hope to learn from your project?

In addition to the technical skills listed previously, I want to learn more about how to go from idea to implementation. I’ve also had trouble with figuring out the right TODOs after formulating an idea and I’m looking forward to working with my team mates to figure this out!

Are you worried about working in groups? If so, what do you plan to do to make this experience better?

I’m not worried about working in groups. I’m looking forward to learning from my team mates and hope that they can also learn from me. We can make sure our experiences are ideal by ensuring we remain transparent with any blockers and keeping everyone in the loop.

A little outro

I’m looking forward to the next ten weeks! In an asyncronous, online program, it’s easy to be in your own lane doing your own thing. I’m looking forward to the collaborating with others before graduating and entering the real world™.






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