Category: Uncategorized

  • Project Tips and Tricks

    Blog Post #4  How do you approach learning something new, like a new technology? My team is creating a cross-platform mobile app that creates a fitness plan consisting of workouts based on your fitness level and fitness goals. We are using React Native Javascript as the frontend and Firebase as the backend. Before starting this…

  • myFitnessTracker: the journey thus far

    Blog Post #3 How is the journey so far? I am really enjoying my project thus far! Our team is creating a cross-platform mobile app that creates a fitness plan consisting of workouts based on your fitness level and fitness goals. We’re using React Native Javascript for the frontend, Firebase for the backend, Expo for…

  • myFitnessTracker: Designs and Features

    Blog Post #2 My team and I just finished the project plan for our CS 467 Capstone project: myFitnessTracker. This will be a cross-platform (iOS and Android) app that serves as a personal trainer. A user will fill in Then, the app will generate a list of gym-based exercises per day for the number of…

  • A little intro

    Blog Post #1 Why did you choose to go into Computer Science? I choose to go into Computer Science because I like improving processes. I like identifying when something isn’t working and creating and automating processes that will solve it. I also enjoy the thrill I get after completing a large project (CS 344 Smallsh,…