
Blog Post 3: Why Must Electives Be Hard

The more that I participate in this course the more I question why is it that so many other courses must be so time consuming, difficult, and poorly managed. I love this course. It gives us freedom to be software engineers and it allows us to express ourselves. The deadlines might be a bit stiff sometimes, but we usually get extensions.

Our project is going great I think? We are starting to create the first unity test, and unfortunately a lot of the team is out for the holidays and only coming back Sunday, giving us a huge crunch on the assignments. But progress is still being made, and we are marching forward.

Learning Unity is hard. It makes you learn new software while learning a new language. Luckily, coding for unity tends to to be as difficult as solving abstract problems using the power of 10 year old posts on stack exchange. They are more piratical, yet requires a lot of knowledge on how to use the tools we have as programmers in order to do good at our job.

I have great new about my job prospects. Around the time I graduate in the summer, IT positioning are opening up at the job I am currently working at, meaning that I have a solid chance of being able to switch departments and pay off my debt quickly.

Unity has a hard learning curve to it. I really plan to dig into over winter break, but right now it feels so overwhelming when I have to write an RESTful api for another class final project. It doable, but at least friends make the stress go away.

My teams future is promising and we are all in here together. We all have hope and ready to get the bag.

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