

1813 BC Abraham is born. Abraham is the patriarch of the three major Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

2000-1506 BC Era of Abraham and the patriarchal age. The patriarchal age refers to the era of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This era is recorded in the book of Genesis.

1500-1200 BC The Exodus occurs following the era of Abraham. The Israelites leave Egypt, Moses receives the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai. It is during this period that the Israelites receive the message that they have been freed from slavery by Yahweh, or God.

1200-1050 BC Israelites arrive and settle in Canaan, west of the Jordan river. Canaan is renamed the Land of Israel, and is a step forward in the Israelites search for a promised land.

1050-930 BC Unified Kingdom of Israel formed and established capital in Jerusalem.

930-597 BC Kingdom becomes divided, parting off into the Kingdom of Israel, known as Samaria, and the Kingdom of Judah.

722 BC Assyrians conquer the Kingdom of Israel.

701 BC Kingdom of Judah is conquered by the Egyptians.

586 BC Solomon’s Temple is destroyed during the Siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar.

516 BC Second Temple of Jerusalem built, replacing Solomon’s temple.

70 BC Second Temple is destroyed in Siege of Jerusalem by the Romans.

4BC Jesus of Nazareth is born; who will later become the central figure in Christianity.