There are lots of reasons to have a written forest management plan. You need one to be a member of the Tree Farm system. You need one to obtain cost-share funding. You can use it to plan and keep track of future management activities.

There are also lots of reasons why most landowners don’t have a management plan. The fun of woodland ownership is in the doing, not in the writing down what you have done or are going to do! Writing a plan takes time and a certain level of knowledge, and having a professional write one for you takes money. 

If you’ve been putting off writing or updating your forest management plan, this fall is the opportunity to git-‘er-done. OSU Extension will be conducting a four-session Mentored Management Planning workshop in St. Helens. You’ll be guided through the writing process and will be paired with an experienced mentor who can provide one-on-one assistance. Work on your plan for “homework” between sessions, and by Thanksgiving you’ll have finished the writing and can get back to the doing!

Dates: Wednesday evenings, Sept. 14, Sept. 28, Oct. 12, Nov. 9

Location: OSU Extension Service, St. Helens

Cost: $40 per family/ownership

Download a flyer for the rest of the details…

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