Dan Stark, Forestry & Natural Resources Extension for Clackamas, Tillamook and Lincoln Counties.

Amid ongoing and expanding interest in redwoods among landowners in western Oregon, OSU Forestry & Natural Resources (FNR) Extension convened Growing Redwoods in Oregon Science Meeting in October 2021.  Over 70 participants met virtually over two half-days, to discuss the potential of redwoods in Oregon.  Participants included researchers, public land managers, private landowners, geneticists, nursery specialists and other practitioners from Oregon and beyond.

Photo by Norma Kline

Information gathered at this meeting will be used to help FNR Extension develop a resources guide  for Western Oregon woodland owners and forestland managers that are interested in growing coast redwood and/or giant sequoia.

What were the desired outcomes of the science meeting?

Desired outcomes of the science meeting were to:

  • Provide an opportunity to learn about and discuss the biology and management of coast redwood and giant sequoia with experts and practitioners in the field in order to compile and develop resources for land owners;
  • Identify current gaps in knowledge; and
  • Eke out a virtual space for participant networking, connecting, and collaborating.

What was covered at the meeting?

Topics at the meeting were based on input provided by over 250 landowners in Oregon (and one in California and one in Washington!) who responded to an informal needs assessment distributed by FNR Extension earlier in 2021.

The agenda for Day 1 included panel presentations and discussions on the basic ecology of coast redwood and giant sequoia; climate, genetics, and seed zones, including breakout group discussions; and planting and stocktypes.

On Day 2 the agenda included an overview and panel on stand management, followed by a whole-group discussion on the “Big Q’s” (big questions) pertinent to mills, markets, and forest products for coast redwood and giant sequoia in Oregon.

To explore the full agenda, please visit the Growing Redwoods Science Meeting website by clicking here.

Next steps

The FNR Extension Growing Redwoods in Oregon  team (GRO) has been busy summarizing information from the meeting, and will use this information to develop a resources guide covering suitability and management considerations for Oregon. Watch for it later in 2022.

For more information

Please be sure to visit the Growing Redwoods Science Meeting website for future updates on meeting information and links to request access to the meeting recordings. You can also contact FNR Extension Agent Dan Stark dan.stark@oregonstate.edu with your questions and input.

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