Brad Withrow-Robinson, OSU Forestry & Natural Resources Extension for Benton, Linn and Polk Counties.
Family woodland owners (like farmers, ranchers, beekeepers and others) typically have busy spring schedules with lots to do in the woods. Many of those activities come with acres of physical distancing from others outside their families, so life remains busy.

Although our offices are closed, OSU Extension remains an available and useful source of information for doing many spring woodland activities such as weed control, fire preparedness and prevention, developing wildlife habitat. We remain available by phone or email to answer questions and direct you to the information you need.
The local and state Forestry & Natural Resources Extension team is developing new, on-line resources to fill the gap created by the COVID-19 driven postponement and cancellation of many of our spring and summer programs. These will include an online version of our Basic Woodland Management class, a series of Tree School-style class webinars, fire preparedness programs, links to newsletters and much more. All will be posted at a new Forestry and Natural Resources Extension Stay at Home Resource page.
We will do our best to keep you informed of new remote learning through Woodland Compass and Needle electronic mailings. Subscribe for free from the FNR page of either Benton, Linn OR Polk County Extension website.