The Good and the Bad Training Courses

It’s extremely important for a training course, or a class, to be well taught and have have a great design to it for it to be effective towards its group. In a workplace, the training is going to have an extreme impact on employee performance (Swift, 2022) and could change the course of the way the organization is going to move forward.

In my work experience, I had experienced a really well taught safety training course that I thought was effective in the the design on it, and the key points that were covered. This safety training occurred this past summer, during my internship, in the wake of the heat waves and with us working outdoors for hours of the day. It was effective as the way that it was organized and the facts covered, such as access points for shade and water, as well as how long you should be working before getting out of the heat, helping us learn more on how to protect ourselves and keep performance (Swift, 2022) efficient. This training definitely had a good impact on the employee performance as it allowed us to get a quick break and rehydrate to keep us efficient and performance can keep moving forwards.

This past summer, during my internship as well, I think my onboarding training course was not as beneficial as the safety one they gave to us. While they did cover the main aspects of the job, such as the company’s values, norms, required behavior and work process (Swift, 2022), they did it in a very inefficient way and we weren’t learning as much as we could in the best amount of time. During the onboarding, all interns would be sitting down, looking at the screen while the one running it read us information and what was going to happen. We weren’t given many breaks or times to stand up, and I talked to most of my fellow interns and most of us would be falling asleep because it was extremely slow, and not necessary information was being shared. When they did go over some software’s and work processes, they did it extremely quick and didn’t show to much detail, almost making us learn on our own.

Works Cited:

Swift, M. (2022, November 3). Developing Training Programs [Powerpoint Slides]. Oregon State Canvas.

Swift, M. (2022, November 3). Evaluating Training Effectiveness [Powerpoint Slides]. Oregon State Canvas.

Swift, M. (2022, November 3). Onboarding & Socialization [Powerpoint Slides]. Oregon State Canvas.