Category: Uncategorized

  • The 5 lessons I learned building a Project Management Website

    ~/$: lesson 1 build –features –user_value=10 The most important aspect of any application is that it provides value, and that users can easily derive that value. In the context of our project the value is making the entire process of managing, contributing, and working on a project easier, or lowering the bar for success by…

  • Some thoughts on Next.js

    ~/$: npm run post We have been using Next.js on our capstone project where we are developing an opinionated project management system. It’s been the foundation for our development allowing us to build towards a performant and feature rich alpha release. However, despite its somewhat old approach to serving content (server-side rendering) the structure, workflows,…

  • Can code be clean?

    Answer: of course, it can! ~/$: clean_code –initiate_discussion Hello everyone! I’m Guru Updesh Singh, and I’m back to share some insights on a topic that’s close to every developer’s heart, dreams, and greatest fears: clean code. After diving into articles on clean code principles and code smells and revisiting the first chapters from Robert Martin’s…

  • Syncing Life’s Variables: My Journey in Balancing Study, Work, and Play

    ~/$: balance —explain Hello everyone! I’m Guru Updesh Singh, and I’m here with another installment of my Capstone trip. Today, I’m delving into a topic that is both important and difficult for many of us: balancing education, employment, and personal life. It’s a dance I’ve been honing over time, especially as a full-time eCampus computer…

  • Setting the Stage: Using new technology for the first time

    ~/$: project_update —explain Hello again, it’s Guru Updesh Singh giving an update on the capstone. The project I’m working on is an opinionated project management website, a full-stack project. I’m pretty excited bout it and am looking forward to starting development. ~/$: init_project_setup We’re in the setup phase, and it’s a whirlwind of new tech,…