
Stray Birds

“Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves” (Rabindranath Tagore).

Before talking about the Capstone Project process this week, I want to share a little trick I found, using n&(n-1)==0 to check if n is either zero or the exact power of two. If this logical statement is equal to true, then n is 0 or the exact power of two, otherwise, it is not. And the principle of this is very interesting and simple. All the power of two can be represented in the form 1000……0000. If you subtract one from it, you will get 111……1111. Here we are going to use AND gate, the primary knowledge from any Electrical Engineer course. After AND these two binary numbers, you will get 0000……0000. Magically, the value which is not the exact power of two will give you a non-zero result after these operations.

For this week, sadly our team member Jarrod disappeared again in the second sprint meeting. After responding to our instructor, he has been moved out of our team. In the meeting, to help us better implement our web application this week, the Project owner provided two main function prototypes. These prototypes are simply implemented by HTML and JS code, which provides great instruction for the next development. It allows the sudden situation of attrition without delaying the schedule. We also started communication with the other team under the same project to prepare the integration of the two teams. The reassignment of the tasks of the departing team members and the addition of new integration tasks necessitated the need to rearrange the Kanban task boards.

After finishing weekly work, I found that it’s been four years since the last time I spent the New Year with my family. I am still studying abroad like a stray bird, which reminds me of a poem. I put it at the beginning of this blog to encourage myself.

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