Check In Post #1

This blog post is a small update on the progress of the project.

The project my team is working on is “Let’s Launch a Game”. We have just finished planning out the basics of the game and a barebones idea for the story. Our current working title for the game is “Outbreak Island”, but this name is not set in stone yet and will more than likely change as we get closer to release. The game’s general premise is that the players are stationed on an island where they are researching a bioweapon. This weapon breaks out of containment, and the players must gather research and resources to neutralize the weapon.

The current state of the project is all on paper currently. We have started the process of creating a barebones GitHub repo but no features have been implemented yet. The main component that I will be creating is the player character. This includes the items the player will use, implementing the inventory, and making a crafting system.

I started off by messing around in our game engine of choice, Unreal Engine 5. I made a copy of the third-person level and played around with the player character. I made a copy of the player’s mannequin and added a very basic AI to have this NPC follow the player. I did this to get some familiarity with how the blueprint system works in Unreal but mainly to get some instant feedback by trying something simple. It was helpful and felt great to see the results from messing around so quickly.

Hopefully, in the next post, I will have more information about the current state of the game, and maybe a video sneak peek of the player character. Till next time!

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