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Stress Management:

  May 26th, 2022

In this week, we were instructed to look at and learn about our stress levels by taking a few stress tests. After taking these four tests my results were as follows; for the Holmes-Rahe test I got exactly a 150. For the Type A personality test I got a 45. On the coping and stress management I received a 43. From these tests I learned briefly about my ability to handle stress or what situations cause me stress. On the Holmes test I was normal at the level of stress that is in my life and that I wont have any health problems down the road. That was an odd test I think in my opinion because most of the items just didn’t apply to me. I always knew that I wasn’t a type A person so scoring low as a 45 was not a surprise to me. I know that with stress levels increasing with situations I tend to lash out and get snappy with others, and that part didn’t surprise me. With the stress management skills I wasn’t surprised with my score either, if anything I thought I was going to score lower than normal. I think I have a good grip on how to mange my stress because over the years I have been so stressed that I learned through those years how to get an outlet and that outlet is exercise no matter what. I think it is an important aspect in life to know how to manage your stress levels.

I think that it is important to take these tests because some people are not sure how they act in stressful situations or with stress in their life. The unfortunate thing about our society is that stress is constant with school, work, and life. It is an unfair thing that we have to deal with because we are constantly loaded with stressful situations. People don’t realized how stressed they are and these tests can help with that realization. I know for sure I realized my stress levels and how to manage them.

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