Prompt: What choices do you make in terms of food/nutrition/product use and consumption that may have an impact on your microbial communities? Consider choices that are intentional and choices that are perhaps non-intentional.
Before this class, I did not focus on clean eating to benefit my gut microbiome, but just for my overall health. Now after being in this class for a few weeks I understand and have learned a lot more about how your diet affects your gut microbiome. Personally, I am a vegetarian so I don’t eat meat or fish. I have always incorporated a lot of vegetables in my diet. I frequently eat spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, avocados, and celery which I am sure are good for your gut microbiome. I try to limit sugars because I know it’s not good for your health. But from what I have learned in this class, sugar directly negatively impacts your gut microbiome. I also have been taking a dietary probiotic supplement every day for almost a year. I started taking probiotics for my skin and for digestion help so this was an intentional choice. I don’t eat yogurt or other foods that are high in probiotics so I take my probiotic supplements to make up for it. I have always focused on my diet and tried to eat as clean as possible just for overall health reasons but now I have more reasons because I have learned how important a clean diet is for your gut microbiome.