Winter 2023 – Issue 001

In this issue, we’re thinking about awareness from many different angles—self-awareness that can help ground us before and during conversations; intentional decision-making to create a positive observation experience; and avenues for developing awareness of students’ learning experiences and opportunities for support. We hope some of these practices, questions, and strategies spark interest and conversation for you.

Grappling with Grounding

The Academic Coaching Coordinator shares grounding exercises that can be used to take care of ourselves and manage stress both prior to and during a conversation or work meeting.

The Most Important Part of an Observation is the Conversation

Christopher E. describes conversations and strategies to set up a successful observation experience.

Exploring Student Communication through Fall Survey Engagement

Clare highlights insights and questions stemming from results of OSU’s fifth iteration of the student experience survey.

10 Ways to Check in with Students during the Term

Marjorie lists 10 strategies for gaining insight into students’ experience of a course.