Spring 2024 – Issue 001

This issue is all about connectedness—how students connect their work to their learning, how we build relationships through our language, how intentional time for welcoming forms connections that can benefit the nervous system; and ways student employees find belonging in their work. We hope you enjoy the issue and find points of connection to your work and support for students.

SEE Your Growth in Student Employment

Guest writer Emily Bowling shares about an annual reflective process that encourages student meaning-making and growth.

Don’t Tell Me I “Did Well:” Making a Case for Non-Evaluative Language

Chessie shares how avoiding evaluative language can create opportunities for listening, understanding, and connecting with people in new ways.

The Importance of Being Welcoming: WISE Nervous Systems

The Academic Coaching Coordinator describes connections between somatic experience training and the W.I.S.E. peer education model.

Can Attending to ZPD Support Belonging?

Clare reflects on how the Zone of Proximal Development may impact students’ connections and feelings of belongings within learning contexts.