Fall 2020 – Issue 001

Hello! We’re excited to connect with you in fall and to share the latest issue of The Success Kitchen. In this installment, we acknowledge the challenging context students are being asked to learn in right now and offer a range of ideas, strategies, and resources for demonstrating empathy and support for students this term.

Below, you’ll find an overview of content in this issue.

How Grief and Trauma Impact Learning: Sarah and Anika reflect on recent learning experiences about how grief and trauma impact students’ learning and share ideas to keep in mind as we support students during a time of rapid change and uncertainty.

Supporting Students through Conversations: This article offers a range of strategies and a conversational model you can use to help students explore resources and next steps.

Fall Course Updates based on Spring & Summer Learning: Marjorie describes 5 course updates to center students’ needs and demonstrate support.

Staff Picks – What We’re Reading: We share readings that have resonated for us recently and invite you to share what you’re reading, too.