Building a cloud planet

Today I’ve been working on a project for CS450, and thought it might be fun to document my process, including the mistakes I made along the way!

The assignment requires us to make a 3d object, and apply vertex and fragment shaders to change its shape and draw a pattern on it. We’re also required to apply per-fragment lighting, but that’s a project for tomorrow.

I wanted to do something vaguely cloudy, and went hunting for reference images. This portfolio has some amazing stuff, and I particularly like the picture of the arctic snow material.

First step: draw a sphere using the shader pipeline as oppose to the OpenGL color pipeline! Simple in theory.

I ran into some early obstacles getting my visual environment configured. My first attempts didn’t call the shader pipeline correctly, so I rendered a LOT of thrillingly blank backgrounds. I admit I shouted at the computer after about the fifth time seeing this:

So blank! So empty! So frustrating!

After finally rearranging to suit, I wrote the simplest possible vertex and fragment shaders: the vertex shader didn’t change anything, and the fragment shader made everything white. Exciting stuff!

Boring spheres! Much better.

Bolstered by my boring spheres, I added a black stripe to my fragment shader, just so I could see what was going on. On to the vertex shader! One simple way to distort a sphere is to apply a wobble along one or more axes. I started with a wobble along the x axis, based on the program’s time counter.

Crazy little wobble

I felt like I was getting somewhere at this point! The wobbly sphere was oddly soothing. I added more wobble along the y and z axes just to make it more interesting. But it was getting hard to see what was happening without more color variation, so it’s time to revisit the fragment shader. I know I want to do something that shows the waves in the sphere. Based on my reference image, I want to vary the color from white to a deep cloudy blue. I opted to base each fragment’s color off of the z coordinate and the amount of vertex distortion from the original spherical shape.

And there were wobbly stripes!

I thought it might be cool to add some random noise to the vertex shader to mix it up a little more. I regretted this decision pretty much instantly.

When animated, this was pretty terrifying

After hastily throwing the noise code away, I thought it might be less wild to distort the color over time. So I’m adding a second color wave pattern, and finally mixing the two together. The final call to mix is time-dependent, so the fragment shader will change independent of the vertex shader.

Much more soothing.

The renderings are getting a little hypnotic! The next step of the project requirements are to draw a shape using the fragment shader. I’m not sure if my stripes count, and at any rate I want to add some lightning-like visuals to my cloud planet. But baby steps first–let’s draw a sphere. (In this case it’s distorted by the vertex shader, but I’m not too fussed about that.)

Took some trial and error, but finally got a lovely squashed circle.

Using more sine/cosine functions to turn the sphere into distorted rings that move as a function of time. These aren’t quite as lightning-like as I had in mind, so I may revisit them later.

Moving circular patterns

The shapes are looking nice, but the colors are a little stark. I want the centers of the shapes to be gold, and blend into the cloud patterns on the edges. I played around with smoothstep to blend the edges of the lightning into the clouds, and was pretty pleased with the result.

Now with 50% more glow!

I’m pretty happy with the result at this point. It’s reasonably close to what I envisioned at the start, and I think it’s a good level of visual variety for a single fragment shader. I’d like to adjust the lightning a bit, as I’m not entirely thrilled with the behavior at the boundaries, but I have a few days to fine tune it. Tomorrow I’ll be working on per-fragment lighting, which should make help emphasize the distortions in the shape. For tonight, I’m making everyone who wanders near my computer look at my cloud planet!

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