
Hello world! (CS 461)

Welcome to my blog where I’m completely voluntarily and of my own accord going to be  sharing stuff about myself and computers I guess.

I have always been vaguely computer savvy but nothing too fancy, and never learned to code. I originally was going to school to be a pilot but took a CS class and decided that’s what I was going to do instead. I transferred to OSU and am graduating this year plus a term, if all goes well. I joined Linux Users Group and accidentally became the project  manager my first term, joined the OSU Open Source Lab as soon as a position became available, did an internship at Tag1 Consulting last summer and have decided to stay on with them part time as I finish school. I love coding but most of my experience has taken me down a specialty in infrastructure and configuration management. I’m a big fan of Linux and encourage everyone to learn it. There is definitely a learning curve to some aspects, but if you put in the time to learn and configure your environment, you’ll never be able to look at anything else the same.

I’m looking forward to working on a project and getting to know some of you!

2 replies on “Hello world! (CS 461)”

Well written & done my friend!
I began writing a blog myself in the last few days and noticed
lot of writers merely rehash old content but add very little of worth.
It’s terrific to seee an insightful article of some true value too myself
and your other readers.
It is actuslly going down on my list of creteria I need to emulate as a nnew blogger.

Visitor engagement and material value are king.
Many good ideas; you have absolutely got on my list of people to follow!

Keep up the excellent work!
All the best,

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