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The past few weeks have been fairly successful both at work and in school.

At work my team successfully demoed our Capstone project. Utilizing Camunda, Olympus, JavaScript and a series of internal APIs we were able to successfully automate portions of a time consuming manual process frontline associates have been working through for decades. Whether or not the tools in the long run will work on the scale the company desires is still yet to be seen.

On other fronts, school has been going quite well. In Django I have learned to automatically send users emails. This was a little more challenging than expected due to Google removing a setting allowing for less secure apps. Eventually I found an excellent tutorial on application specific passwords and then you can visit a Google page to unlock captcha. Credit to suhailvs for https://suhailvs.github.io/blog02.html#mail-setup-on-django-using-gmail

While Django makes a lot of difficult tasks simple it sure could improve the database migrations. Without fail, after creating a new model with a foreign key, we’ll be forced to drop the whole database and start from scratch because migrations will not function properly even when all records have been manually deleted. But it’s all a part of the learning process. Without the toil the personal reward would be that much diminished.

Life is good. Programming and learning are rewarding. Here is to another great few weeks.

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