Week 2: Experiences with Discrimination

There are outstanding claims of discrimination made against one of your favorite companies. Do those claims change the way you feel about the company? The short answer is yes! I would 100% change my opinion about the company if there were claims of discrimination. As a customer, I want to support companies that are doing what is right for any protected class. I would choose to disassociate with any company accused of widespread discrimination against any ethnicity, culture, or belief system.

I would not support a company accused of widespread discrimination even if it meant that I had to start finding alternate stores or restaurants. Luckily for consumers today, there are a lot of options on which companies you want to monetarily support.

I can honestly say that I would not apply to work for a company accused of widespread discrimination against any ethnicity, culture, or belief system in the future. If there is a public lawsuit against the company, I would not be able to work in a company that has allowed this type of discrimination to take place. I would not be comfortable knowing that I chose to work for a company that thought less of another ethnicity, culture, or belief system. Also, I would not want the perception of me to be that I am intolerant of others’ ethnicity, culture, or belief system just for working at the company.

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3 responses to “Week 2: Experiences with Discrimination”

  1. Hi Christian –

    I whole-heartedly agree with your thoughts shared in this blog post. I considered many of the same things. I liked the fact that not only did you mention why you wouldn’t want to support or work for a company accused of discrimination, you contemplated the detrimental effect that working for such a company might have upon you in your personal and workplace relationships. This is definitely a very valid point, as one could be associated with a company’s discrimination actions, especially if one continues to support or work for a company in light of such a lawsuit.

    Thank you for sharing!

  2. Hi Christian. I enjoyed reading your post. I had many similar perspectives. Your comment on having a “lot of options on which companies you want to monetarily support” made me think about the role digital commerce plays in today’s marketplace. It would be interesting to study if this has had an influence on company’s behavior in today’s marketplace- including discrimination behavior. I think it should, because to your point, in today’s digital marketplace options to take your business somewhere else are plentiful.

  3. Hey Christian!

    Your blog post was great and really well worded! However, I totally agree with your overall claim. No matter the store, company, or organization you name it if they were involved with claims of racism, sexism, or any other form of discrimination I don’t think I would be able to support them. No doubt depending on the company this can be troubling, especially depending on the company and how important they are in your life. However, you did mention how we as consumers luckily have so many different options in today’s world. In my blog, I used pandora the music app as an example. If claims about them came out we would be able to use and support another company such as Spotify or Apple Music! On the other hand, this blog is applying to work for said company. I am also with you on not applying as this means their morals and even energy would not match mine. Overall, great blog! I am looking forward to the next one!

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