** Maintenance Announcement – No service interruption anticipated **

On Saturday December 19th at 10pm we will be upgrading the Netscalers firmware.  Since they are in HA mode no outages or downtime are expected.  In the unlikely event of problems, changes will be rolled back and the maintenance will be scheduled for a later date.

Start: 12/19/2015 10:00pm

End: 12/19/2015 11:59pm

If you have questions or concerns about this maintenance, please contact the Shared Infrastructure Group at osu-sig (at) oregonstate.edu or call 737-7SIG.

** Maintenance Announcement – No service interruption anticipated **

On Saturday March 29th at 10pm we will be upgrading the Netscalers to maintenance build of  version 10.1.  Since they are in HA mode no outages or downtime are expected.  In the unlikely event of problems, changes will be rolled back and the maintenance will be scheduled for a later date.

Start: 03/29/2014 2200

End: 03/29/2014 2259

If you have questions or concerns about this maintenance, please contact the Shared Infrastructure Group at osu-sig (at) oregonstate.edu or call 737-7SIG.

** Maintenance Announcement – No service interruption anticipated **

On Saturday March 8th at 10pm we will be making a minor configuration change to my.oregonstate.edu at the load balancer.  In the event of unforeseen issues the changes will be rolled back and attempted at a later time.

Start: 03/08/2014 2200

End: 03/08/2014 2230

If you have questions or concerns about this maintenance, please contact the Shared Infrastructure Group at osu-sig (at) oregonstate.edu or call 737-7SIG.

** Maintenance Announcement – No service interruption anticipated **

On Saturday February 8th at 10pm we will be making a minor configuration change to oregonstate.edu at the load balancer.  In the event of unforeseen issues the changes will be rolled back and attempted at a later time.

Start: 02/08/2014 2200

End: 02/08/2014 2230

If you have questions or concerns about this maintenance, please contact the Shared Infrastructure Group at osu-sig (at) oregonstate.edu or call 737-7SIG.

** Maintenance Announcement – No service interruption anticipated **

On Friday December 20th at 10pm we will be upgrading the Netscalers to version 10.1.  Since they are in HA mode no outages or downtime are expected.  In the unlikely event of problems, changes will be rolled back and the maintenance will be scheduled for a later date.

Start: 12/20/2013 2200

End: 12/20/2013 2259

If you have questions or concerns about this maintenance, please contact the Shared Infrastructure Group at osu-sig (at) oregonstate.edu or call 737-7SIG.

We will be adding two new services to the Netscalers, one will be for blogs.oregonstate.edu and the other will be adding an SSL certificate to media.oregonstate.edu.  After the SSL certificate is added for media.o.e we will redirect all http requests to https.

These changes will not impact current services in anyway, with the exception of media.o.e which will see its http traffic redirected.


Start Time: 9/21/13 at 10:00 pm

End Time: 9/21/13 at 11:00 pm

If you have any questions or concerns about this maintenance, please contact OSU-SIG ( at ) oregonstate.edu or call 7-7sig


** Maintenance Announcement – No service interruption anticipated **

On Saturday the 22nd at 10pm we will be upgrading the Netscalers to version 10 build 76.7.  Since they are in HA mode no outages or downtime are expected.  In the unlikly event of problems the changes will be rolled back and the maintenance will be scheudled for a later date.

Start: 06/22/2013 2200

End: 06/22/2013 2259

If you have questions or concerns about this maintenance, please contact the Shared Infrastructure Group at osu-sig (at) oregonstate.edu or call 737-7SIG.

** Maintenance Announcement – NO service interruption anticipated **

The first change will be to deny non-secure SSL renegotiation, to address the vulnerability described in RFC 5746.  This will not have an impact on legitimate users, nor will they notice any changes.

The second change will be to replace the self-signed certificate used for logging into the management interface and changing the address (url) used for management.  This change will only impact those that log into the netscaler to manage it.   An email will be sent to those that will be affected.

The last change will to implement a fix for an asymmetric routing issue we’ve been dealing with.  This will not have a noticeable impact on existing services or users.  We have to make this change to allow “cross talk” among services.

Start: 5/18/2013  2200

End: 5/18/2013 2300

If you have questions or concerns about this maintenance, please contact the Shared Infrastructure Group at osu-sig (at) oregonstate.edu or call 737-7SIG.

** Maintenance Announcement – NO service interruption anticipated **


In conjunction with NOC we will be adding vlan 479 onto the port channel of the Netscalers.  This change will not result in any interruption of service nor will it be noticeable to end users.

The standby device will have the vlan added first, then made to be primary.  It will then have the vlan defined on it.  Once the addition had been verified to not have any negative effects the vlan will be added to the now standby Netscaler trunk port.  It will then be made primary again and verified.

 Start: 5/4/2013  2200

End: 5/4/2013 2300


If you have questions or concerns about this maintenance, please contact the Shared Infrastructure Group at osu-sig (at) oregonstate.edu or call 737-7SIG.

** Maintenance Announcement – NO service interruption anticipated **

On Tuesday April 30th at 2200 (10:00pm) we will be modifying the SSL cert for secure.oregonstate.edu.  This is not a cert renewal, it is a new cert that has a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) for oregonstate.edu.  End users will not be affected.


Start: 04/30/2013 at 2200

End:  04/30/2013 at 2300

If you have questions or concerns about this maintenance, please contact the Shared Infrastructure Group at osu-sig (at) oregonstate.edu or call 737-7SIG.