** Maintenance Announcement – NO service interruption anticipated **


In conjunction with NOC we will be adding vlan 479 onto the port channel of the Netscalers.  This change will not result in any interruption of service nor will it be noticeable to end users.

The standby device will have the vlan added first, then made to be primary.  It will then have the vlan defined on it.  Once the addition had been verified to not have any negative effects the vlan will be added to the now standby Netscaler trunk port.  It will then be made primary again and verified.

 Start: 5/4/2013  2200

End: 5/4/2013 2300


If you have questions or concerns about this maintenance, please contact the Shared Infrastructure Group at osu-sig (at) oregonstate.edu or call 737-7SIG.

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